Do you want to …
- Retain additional nitrogen and reduce unwanted odors in manure lagoons and compost piles?
- Reduce ammonia levels in animal housing?
- Reduce the volume of organic sludge in your manure pit?
- Reduce the cost of manure slurry removal?
- Reduce cost of manure spreading?
- Improve manure slurry value by increasing Nitrogen retention?
- Accelerate volume reduction of compost and manure?
BioDigest is a blend of bacteria, enzymes and micronutrients. The wide variety of enzymes in BioDIgest break down fat, fiber, protein (including keratin), and carbohydrates so as to reduce waste solids. Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas bacteria then drive the nitrogen cycle from ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. This process converts a volatile form of nitrogen to a water-soluble, non-volatile form of nitrogen and prevents the build-up of ammonia in the barn.
Reducing solids makes pump-out easier, faster, and reduces costs. In addition, competitive bacteria over grow the area and act to inhibit growth of pathogenic bacteria.